9/11/2024 2:29:19 PM
Hi, from the A.S funding guide:
"The following list includes all the information you must gather before your event and document in your funding application.
The applying student must be a principal member of a registered student organization.
Estimated number of students attending your event.
Price estimates for all items. If you seek funding for tip/tax, it must be listed and provided by the vendor, not self-calculated.
Room confirmation/temporary hold clearly showing the following:
Name of event
Name of Student Organization
Date and time of event
Room capacity"
"Failure to attach room confirmation and/or Zoom/hosting information(meeting ID and Passcode)/proof of temporary hold will lead to automatic denial without the option of appeal. "
Also, price estimates are necessary with official price estimates from the vendor. Please go over https://finance.ucsd.edu/Home/FundingGuide.
If you have further questions or would like to go over the full process in depth, please shoot an email to avpstudentorgs@ucsd.edu and we can talk this over on a zoom meeting.