8/16/2024 2:46:28 PM
As of Fall 2023, the Associated Students implemented an event funding limit of $4,500 per event with 500+ attendees. Additionally, in Spring of 2024, A.S updated the funding guide to give student organizations a total programming fund maximum of $8,000 for the 2024-2025 school year.
The previous AVP provided organizations the opportunity to appeal these maximums for this Fall quarter in emails sent April 20th and May 9th, setting a deadline of May 12th., 2024.
No appeal from this organization means the event A.S funding limit for NPHC is $4,500 and the funding maximum for the 2024-2025 year is $8,000. During the Fall quarter, there will be another opportunity to appeal this maximum for events in Winter and beyond.
To receive A.S funding, please adjust this A.S funding request to be under $4,500. Thank you.
9/11/2024 2:10:50 PM
There's no quote for the crowd managers, but we allocated more money to the eventbright because there is a quote there. The maximum allocation is the same but NPHC will have to cover the cost of the security & less of the eventbright than the organization planned.