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Triton-Ware Fall Kickoff 2024
It was higher because, again, we killed it. Our club is growing fast and we'll expect more in the future.
CSE Department Annual Funding (Covered $21.48 for extra drinks)
To start our game jam and provide a workshop for game development. This will get people making games, which is the whole point of our organization.
Yes! We had a ton of people come and people were excited to work together and build their projects.
Our team, because they put in all the work to make this event possible. But also, our growing enthusiasm is a massively important resource in its own way.
Honestly, no big complications. There were just so many people it was hard to fully engage with everyone.
Expect more people in the future, that's pretty much it.
I'll need to fix the website to making adding events more simple.
I left my main feedback on the Fall GBM form.