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Summer Projects Showcase
Recorded attendance was lower than expected in part because attendance was somewhat overestimated and in part because definitely not everyone signed into the event. Not counting general attending members, there were at least 35 people from Summer Projects iteration that made projects, and certainly much more than 35 general members attending the demonstrations.
The goal of the event was to allow members interesting in joining projects in future applications cycle to see the kind of work that gets accomplished in a projects iteration.
I think this goal was extremely successful with members engaged, going around and asking questions to the projects team. I noticed many people taking their time to stay for the entirety of the event to go to every single one of the projects demonstrations.
The most valuable resource was having the tables easily available for each projects team to be able to occupy a part of the room and have their own demonstrations going on simultaneously, which allowed for nice efficiency with people going around to visit the ones they were interested in.
The only complication that arose during the event was less food being ordered than expected, so the food was only barely enough for the people that did the summer projects and not any of the other attending members. Also, our booking was immediately after another group’s booking and so some of the time of our booking was spent cleaning up their event.
Next time, I would start the event somewhat after the room booking started, to give more time for preparation and possibly clean up of the people that came before us.
For better promotion, I would have encouraged other ACM Board members to post about the event on on their social medias if possible.