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AI Welcome Night
We originally planned to have 60 participants to our kickoff event. We didn't realize there was so many prospective students to our org. In the future, we will significantly increase our estimate attendance on our kickoff events.
The purpose of the event is to introduce UCSD students to our organization (i.e. ACM AI). We had presentation to introduce participants to our org, the events we host, and a social bonding activity near the end.
Very successful. We didn't anticipate this many students to attend our kickoff. Overall, we had a good social night. The only downside is that we got too many participants, so many did not receive food and had to stand.
Our most valuable resource was AS funding to provide food for our event, as well as the ACM and UCSD community that helped out setting the workshop environment.
No complications arose.
We would increase our estimated attendance and book a larger venue to hold more participants.
Advertisements were perfect and we would make no changes to them.